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Discover HOW I Ended My Endometriosis NATURALLY

How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally

(Without Painkillers, Drugs Or Surgery)
"My name is Wendy K Laidlaw and I now live pain-FREE every, single, day by using a uniquely systematic & science-based approach called 'The Laidlaw Protocols' & The 5 P's.  

I am so glad you are here and want you to join me (and thousands of other women worldwide) to become a BOSS of your endometriosis - an EndoBoss®!"

Step 1 - Read & Implement Contents of Book to cover the first 3 P's (Poisons; Produce, Products & Property).

Step 2 - If no improvements, then join Challenge or Retreat to work on the last 2 P's (Poisons; People & Past)

Watch  Video "Why I Do What I Do"

Watch Video  "Why I Do What I Do"

You Are Not Here By Accident! 

Once you become an EndoBoss®, what difference will you make in the world?

"I believe you have been guided to me because I do things differently. I will show you HOW to take back power and control of your body, learn how to embrace your emotions and uncover their messages, then discover your unique life-purpose/calling that endometriosis has been 'training' you for over many years."
Wendy xx

As Featured On

The Laidlaw Protocols 


Dr Sarah Myhill MBBS.

"Wendy Has Put Recovery In The Grasp Of All Women" 

"Wendy describes the miserable symptoms and signs of endometriosis, moving on to the pathophysiology of such. This is vital because the road recovery is not an easy path to walk – it requires major lifestyle changes. 

As a previous sufferer, Wendy has walked this path, and like so many on similar journeys, taken many wrong turns. But her experience can now lead you along the shortest and most direct route. 

Importantly she guides you around the terrible pitfalls which may cause irreversible damage. 

The tools of the trade she employs are standard naturopathic techniques: diet, supplements, detoxification regimes, enzymes, herbals, physicals and psychologicals, all of which have a fine evidence base and are of proven benefit. 

More importantly, Wendy has established the essential naturopathic tools which put recovery in the grasp of all sufferers.
She weaves these threads together to provide the tapestry and inspiration so that you can, and you must, just do it!

Wendy supplies the intellectual imperatives to give you the will to change because change you must, and change you will!"

Meet Wendy K Laidlaw


If you have been guided to this website it means you are ready for change and a NEW empowering pathway. You are not here by accident...

 Candace, USA 


"My Experience With Wendy Has Been A Blessing"

I would like to share my experience with Wendy whom I have come to know for almost a year. I would like to say that she is a wonderful person who is committed to helping others, not only to get physically well but to get emotionally healthy too. 

As a counsellor myself, I can pick up on people fairly easily and I think she has a great character. I have to say my experience with her has been a blessing for me as she helped me become more aware of myself emotionally and physically. 

I see her as a kind helpful caring and gentle soul.  She is there for you when you need her and always offering helpful advice. 

I've only kind words and experiences to share about Wendy and I don't know where I'd be today without her.

 Candace, USA 


The 'Laidlaw Protocols' helps you identify the root causes of the pain and inflammation, and shares HOW to put the condition into remission.

If your body can heal a cut finger, a burn or a graze, then you can heal (once you can identify what is prohibiting and preventing that NATURAL healing process internally.)

Many women are told by the medical field, gynaecologists, the media and a variety of natural health practitioners that endometriosis is 'incurable' - and a life sentence. 


Wendy has proven many medical professionals wrong and taught them how women can turn the sickest of bodies around after her own success and healing her own endometriosis naturally.  

She has demonstrated the power and influence you have over your own body if you are willing to expand your awareness, information, and education sources and swap for a more modern and holistic approach.

Treat The 'Root Causes' & Not Just Try To Manage Symptoms

Wendy K Laidlaw is the World's #1 expert in helping women to heal endometriosis & adenomyosis naturally, and a women's pelvic health pioneer.

She was able to put her own stage IV endometriosis (and adenomyosis) conditions into remission naturally, after 33 years by addressing the root causes.  

Previously she had felt trapped in the medical machine, which she would discover later, only tried to manage the symptoms, and would end up making her bedridden. 

Wendy founded '' to guide other women and help them identify their root causes of their own endometriosis pain and symptoms, using a unique science-based approach called the Laidlaw Protocols.

Doctors told me the pain was in my head and that it was impossible to heal; that endometriosis was a life-sentence.
But I proved them wrong and continue to live pain-free, every. single. day. over the past 8 years."

Wendy now guides, inspires and empowers women all over the world through her books, podcast and online programs to identify the root causes, reduce their pain and symptoms of endometriosis using a tried and tested set of protocols called the 'Laidlaw Protocols'.

The Laidlaw Protocols 


Dr Sarah Myhill MBBS.

"Wendy's Put Recovery In The Grasp of All Women" 

"Wendy describes the miserable symptoms and signs of endometriosis, moving on to the pathophysiology of such. This is vital because the road to recovery is not an easy path to walk – it requires major lifestyle changes. 

As a previous sufferer, Wendy has walked this path, and like so many on similar journeys, taken many wrong turns. But her experience can now lead you along the shortest and most direct route. 

Importantly she guides you around the terrible pitfalls which may cause irreversible damage. 

The tools of the trade she employs are standard naturopathic techniques: diet, supplements, detoxification regimes, enzymes, herbals, physicals and psychologicals, all of which have a fine evidence base and are of proven benefit. 

More importantly, Wendy has established the essential naturopathic tools which put recovery in the grasp of all sufferers.
She weaves these threads together to provide the tapestry and inspiration so that you can, and you must, just do it!

Wendy supplies the intellectual imperatives to give you the will to change because change you must, and change you will!"

Using A Unique Approach 

The 'Laidlaw Protocols' is a highly specialised and bespoke approach using a unique blend of biology and science-based methodology, deep brain emotional and psychological approach, that guides you to the deepest possible alignment and healing within your body. 

The 'Laidlaw Protocols' helps you identify the root causes of the pain and inflammation, and shares HOW to put the condition into remission.

You Are A Self-Healing Organism

You have the power!

Your body is an incredible self-healing organism and has the ability to heal itself without drugs and surgery.

As a guide and detective in your recovery, Wendy's mission is to help you discover what is stopping that natural healing process and strengthen your immune system - and guide you back to full health!

Meet Christina (USA)
"In a short time, I have come so far. This was the only thing that worked for me"
Meet Marie (UK)
"I feel like a new person; everything has changed since finishing the Academy"
Meet Elizabeth (USA)
"What is extra wonderful about this whole process is that it is so self-empowering"
Meet Mojca (Slovenia)
"I think there should be hundreds and thousands of women doing this program!"




Heal Endometriosis Naturally and the Laidlaw Protocols are a science-based, whole-body and whole-woman approach to healing.

What makes this different from the mainstream medical approach is we teach you how to heal from the inside out by systematically addressing the brain, body, emotions and spirit. 

Medicine tends to address a sick and pained body by focusing on one individual body part and viewing it as separate from the whole body. But this doesn't address the route causes...
Everything in your body is interconnected.
If you can heal a cut finger or grazed knee then this is a great sign!

With the correct information and guidance you can identify what is preventing your body from healing, learn how to support your immune system and finally take back power and control.
AND, it is important to know

It Is Not Your Fault

It is NOT your fault that you have not yet been able to put endometriosis into remission.

It is a complex condition. 

There are many reasons why endometriosis has shown up in your body & why your body is not yet healed.

It is NOT your fault that you have received out of date gynaecological advice.

The medical training and approach to gynaecological conditions has barely changed since the 1800s. We need medical bodies and governments to radically modernise training and update their approach. That means recognising the body's natural ability to heal.

It's NOT your fault that you have developed more symptoms and conditions despite taking 'professional' medical advice.

Currently there is very little money being invested into non-invasive diagnoses and blood tests so currently, the only official diagnosis is through a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy.  

The main treatment plans are painkillers, drugs and surgical procedures that are well known to have countless side effects and to do very little to help heal the condition.

You don't know, what you don't know.

It is time to get into the know.

FACTS About Painkillers, Drugs & Surgery

- They do NOT address the underlying root causes of endometriosis. 

They are merely 'symptom suppressors'.

- They cause side effects, more conditions and more symptoms.

(This may be why your endometriosis has worsened and why you've developed other symptoms and new conditions.)

The 5 Ps (Poisons)

You will learn that there are 5 poisons that Wendy believes are perpetuating the condition and preventing it from going into remission that you might not be aware of.

Taking a natural and holistic approach to healing the body means there are no side effects and enables you to support your immune system and cell repair and regeneration that happens naturally every, single, day.

Increase your awareness, get information, correct education, inspiration from an endometriosis expert which leads to empowerment - and becoming a BOSS of your endometriosis - an EndoBoss®!










"World's #1 Expert At Mentoring Women With Endometriosis To Put Their Condition Into Remission Naturally"

Wendy is the world's #1 expert on healing endometriosis naturally. As a women's health pioneer, endometriosis health coach, she is the best in the world at helping women with endometriosis to heal naturally. As the CEO, Founder and Master Coach of HealEndometriosisNaturally, her mission is to help other women identify the root underlying causes of their endometriosis pain, the main 5 P's (poisons) and ultimately put the condition into remission.

But what makes Wendy 'qualified' to do such a thing?

Well, Wendy used to suffer from endometriosis for over 33 years. She became bedridden with the condition, and developed seven additional conditions including adenomyosis and chronic fatigue. Medical tests showed that she was near total organ failure...

After some eye-opening realisations and experiences Wendy started on a new journey of self discovery, retraining and relearning from her bed  on how to identify the root issues that were stopping the body's natural healing process. 

What enabled Wendy's body to end her endometriosis?

Over many months Wendy discovered FIVE core proponents and poisonous elements perpetuating the condition: produce, products, property, people and past. She refers to these as the 5 poisons. By addressing these, Wendy found her symptoms lessened slowly over 12 months.  Six years after starting her healing journey, Wendy remains pain-FREE, symptom-FREE and has put the  endometriosis and other conditions into remissions .

Read The Full Story >>

Connect with Wendy on Social Media:


 483 Green Lanes, London, N13 4BS

Popular Resources and Programs:

   EndoBoss® Academy & Coaching



Related Websites:

"The World's Leading Expert At Inspiring Women With Endometriosis On How To Put Their Condition Into Remission Naturally"

Heal Endometriosis Naturally
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No Advice

I am not a scientist nor a medical expert on endometriosis. I have read and studied a great deal on the subject, particularly in nutritional therapy and psychotherapy, but by no means exhaustively. What I bring to the table is over 30 years worth of my own healing journey experiences and processes that led to full recovery from the pain and symptoms of endometriosis (and adenomyosis).  

What I share are products and resources that have helped me on my journey but please note that no claims are made for legal purposes. What I describe is a multi-dimensional and pragmatic approach to recovering which worked well for me and changed my life. I am unable to make any claims for legal purposes and cannot promise it will work for every one, only that it worked for me. Although this process may not work for everyone, I hope and pray that it works for you, as it did for me and many women around the world, so you be free of this debilitating condition. Best healing wishes, Wendy K Laidlaw.

Special Notes

This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments so please use this information responsibly.
HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw are not making any claims for legal purposes and cannot promise it will work for everyone, only that it worked for Wendy and now with other women around the world. The word 'heal' is used in the same way your body heals a cut, graze or burn. The information is not professional medical advice and should not be treated as such.

Professional Assistance

You must not rely solely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.


Nothing in this medical disclaimer will limit any of our liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law, or exclude any of our liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

Limitation of Warranties

The medical information on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw make no representations or warranties in relation to the medical information on this website. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw do not warrant that the medical information on this website will be constantly available, or available at all; or the medical information on this website is complete, true, accurate, up-to-date, or non-misleading. This information is in relation to her own experience and success.